We all live in such an aggressive and hostile culture and generation. There are so many things that threaten and intimidate what once was just growing up, preparing for the future, living a good life and then enjoying the benefits of honest living. Not anymore. From terrorism to financial uncertainty to greedy people everywhere to rampant disease and sickness, living on earth has become uncertain and stressful and many are not handling it well. What can you do? Psalm 91 reveals how we can find a refuge and a fortress from the world’s system. We can have victory over it. We can absolutely go there and know that we’re in the secret place of God. When we understand it, we can truly rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
1. Your Refuge in a Troubled World
2. How to Get into the Secret Place
3. What the Secret Place Has that You Can’t Do Without
Think you’re really giving it your all for God and church? Does He really understand that you’re doing the very best that can be expected with your very busy, focused and demanding life? What about your career? Does your personal and private commitment toward God really have to be evident in your job that much? In this stirring series, Debbie shares her candid and personal journey concerning different levels of being whole-hearted toward God, the church and work. She demonstrates how much it affects every area of the believer’s life for good or bad. In tough times, she made an adjustment and ordinary life went to extraordinary. Discover how you can live a better life all the rest of your life simply by becoming whole-hearted.
1. A Gospel of Commitment, Not Convenience
2. Resisting a Passive and Heartless Generation
3. Being 100%: Employer and Employee
4. Open the Doors to Your Whole Heart
Excellence is the life that God lives. In this powerful series, Debbie takes the listener on an adventure to discover how to apply the excellence of God’s Word & Spirit in the home, family, the business, the ministry, the church & every aspect of personal life. You’ll enjoy her personal experiences pursuing God’s best. The principles & practicalities in this A to Z teaching will empower & enable you to never settle for the average & ordinary again. Get the ABCs & Get a Life!
Effective Praying is releasing faith-prayers that God already wants to answer and asked with the same motive that He has to do it. No doubt, this is an art that every Christian should master. God is not withholding answers. He is ready to give them to anyone that can agree with heaven and ask with expectation.
Who Can Pray?
How to Get Results
How to Pray
Nine Principles of Effective Praying
What is the Pray-er Responsible for in prayer?
Why We Pray Together
Holy Ghost Fire
Follow the Book of Acts and discover that God is repeating the pattern of 2,000 years ago in the church today. There is nothing new happening, just a fresh visitation of the Lord in these last of the last days. Why are people in some churches laughing and running? Is it God or is it the flesh? What does it accomplish? Where is it taking us? You will discover that it’s not what you thought.
Lord, Help Me Get It Right
If you ever ask yourself, What am I doing wrong or why it this taking so long or why is this thing so hard?—immediately you could answer yourself—is my faith working or am I in the will of God or am I worth anything to God or who’s really to blame for my mess?
This message by Debbie Billings answers these and other questions from God’s word. You’ll see it! God will help you get it right. It will be easier than ever to get your life back. So, get out of your Park or Reverse and being stuck and get the Lord answer to Drive—Right Now!
When Money Gets Where its Belongs by Debbie Billings
1. The End-Time Wealth Transfer
2.Prosperous And Debt-Free
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