The Heart of Dixie, Alabama the Beautiful, Sweet Home Alabama
The People and Leadership of the State of Alabama are called to be more than just one of the Fifty. She is one called Beulah, for the Lord delights in her and her land shall be married [Isaiah
She is One State, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. She will fulfill her calling to lead the United States into Revival by hosting a continual Move of God that will spread
through and saturate the entire Nation in the days before the return of the Lord for His Glorious Church, without spot or wrinkle.
The Word of the Lord has come by many that have heard and over a span of time that defies convention. Those that love God and make Jesus Christ Lord will activate the PROMISES given to Alabama by
consent and action.
We are the State that draws our supply for Heaven. We resist all efforts to nullify and compromise our dependence on the kingdom of God to be financially sustained by contrived blueprints of
gambling, lotteries, racing, gaming and other schemes of evil entertainment. We are discovering, recovering and sustaining the vast resources already inherent in the land and people of our great
Alabama community that the Almighty has placed here for our prosperity before man arrived.
We are favored and sought after nationally and internationally. Our people are employed in coveted vocational positions and our businesses are widely sought out for their products and services.
Our prayers avail much in protection from epidemic outbreaks and economic downturns. The angels assigned over the heavenly vision for Alabama are each diligent and attentive to position us to
always be in the right place at the right time for increase and blessing.
Our people are more and more going to the right. We love life in all of our people from the moment it is conceived through the very aged. Marriage herre is conformed to the Biblical mandate and
there is no heart to attempt to find or give place to family happiness in our land apart in from its precepts and commands.
From the Tennessee line south to the Gulf coast and Florida border and from Mississippi to Georgia, we acknowledge that we are one people under one banner: Alabama.
We are indivisible and we are one. We pray for our people because it is the rareness of this tribe that pleases our God as we bless them all. We lift our voices to God across the counties and
cities of the Yellowhammer State in one accord and the blessing of the Lord changes what would be the routine and fitful future of mere life on earth to reflect days of heaven on earth in Alabama
the Beautiful, blessed of God. Our leaders fear God and flee corruption. They seek righteousness for the good of all within our borders and for a witness to our nation.
It is different here because we are a people called by His Name and say it. We are not ashamed of our Redeemer or His Gospel.
God Bless Alabama.
God Bless America.